12 June 2015

CII-BYST organized a training on ‘Leadership’ for their cluster heads and above, on 12-June 2015. This training was organized through an online mode and participants from various locations could participate through internet.

CII-BYST had requested Shyam Sekar S, Chief mentor and Founder at Startup Xperts Business Consulting Pvt. Ltd. to provide this leadership training for their senior executives and managers. The participants were Cluster heads and above and been part of CII for a long time now. Shyam quoted, “The crowd was full of energy and eager to pick up interesting insights as they wanted to hone their leadership skills better. It is all about behavioural changes that needs to be addressed first, before taking them through some of the key elements that need to focus on, in order to be a better leader than what they are today. Thanks to BYST team to have organized this initiative to take this initiative to a higher level”.

The participants were from across the country right from Chennai, Assam, Odisha and other locations.

To know more about Startup Xperts, visit us at www.startupxperts.com or write to us at info@startupxperts.com

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