14 Jan 2016: Electronics for You (EFY) group organized their first major event at Bangalore, ‘India Electronics Week’ the expo cum conference. The event was held in Bangalore from 11-Jan to 13-Jan. Shyam Sekar S, Founder, Chief mentor of Startup Xperts was invited to deliver a key note address on their opening session ‘Get Funded’. This session was attended by many entrepreneurs and also investors. The speech was well received both by (aspiring) entrepreneurs, and also the investor community as a whole. Shyam said, “this probably is one of the biggest electronics event here, and interestingly had IOT (Internet of things) theme on day-2. With so many thousands of visitors coming in every day at the BIEC venue for this event, this provides a bigger platform for companies to launch products and also for entrepreneurs to get the relevant exposure too.”

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