How startups and SMEs can succeed in today’s ecosystem?

Being in a startup ecosystem has never been as exciting as it is today. The opportunities are abound and there is room for many to play in this space. The top cities that produce tech startups are Bangalore, NCR, Mumbai, Chennai, and other fast emerging cities.

Innovation is the order of the day. Disruptive technology and disruptive business model are the new age mantra for exponential growth.

Over 90% of startups fail. Almost over 50% of startups do not last beyond one year. 8 out of 10 startups kick start through their savings.

The fund raising options have improved but still not many do have access to the investors, or unable to spot opportunities to pitch their idea in the right forum to get funded. So there are quite a few challenges that a startup undergoes before they get to the success bandwagon.

In spite of plethora of challenges that startups have to surmount, our country is buzz with ‘startups’. Thanks to our Central Government’s initiative in bringing a separate focus on this startup industry. Recognizing that this industry needs to be nurtured to propel its way to become a super power, it is heartening to see policy initiatives to support startups in India. Today the younger generation is ready to take risks, which has been a change in the outlook compared to the risk-averse previous generation.

How can startup leverage to make their mark and be successful?

There can be so many factors that could decide the success for a startup. But some of the below aspects can certainly help these startups to increase their success quotient.

First issue is of validation; developing products, services, without validating if there is a market, demand for their product/service. Well, in a blue ocean strategy where you are trying to capture new frontiers, or come up with disruptive technology, then the validation process has to be different; not just the research, but understanding the pain points or gain aspects for any consumer. This can reasonably decide if there is a product-market fit for you to launch.

As I have always quoted that mentoring should be effective in order for startups to increase their success ratio.

There are many incubators, and also accelerators, but rare to find a combination with also an effective, continuous mentoring/guidance for the startups. Some investors do receive an investment seeking proposal every other day, and in spite of short-listing 100’s of ideas, the startup they invest may or may not provide them the desired results. Even from many investors standpoint, the ratio of success seem to be 1:6 or 1:7, meaning 1 in every 6 or 7 startup will grow significantly that would offset the loss of other ventures.

So, though the risk factors are high, be it for the startup founder, or an investor, the market is still very exciting that the inspiration is drawn from the successful startups for the new breed to follow their path.

Yet another aspect that most startups miss out is in creating a niche for their product/service. You can also term it as ‘branding effect’. Brand is not what you think you are, but what others perceive about you. It starts from your identity, like the logo, the website, the collaterals, your presence online, social media, etc. All have to be in a single thread so that what you speak and what you standby should be the same, in whatever dimension it is seen from.

Creating differentiator is also a challenge that most startups grapple with. Startups need to understand that in order to win a race one need not necessarily be miles ahead, but just nose ahead. Many startups tend to spend a lot of time trying to create a big differentiator and miss out on precious time. Time lost can be a bigger opportunity lost. In startups, timing matters a lot. In spite of idea being great, differentiator being unique, and the product/service can still fail since it could be out of sync with the timing factor (too early or too late?).

Marketing and positioning is another key factor that can decide a startups fate. Digital marketing has to be pursued by every tech startup without fail. The reach can be significant and every penny spent in this initiative can be tracked to find what works and what does not. It is also about sound and smart execution that determines the success factor. Best is to have a startup business consultant (business advisor) on your board, who can ensure that you are taking the right steps and executing it right!

The ecosystem is certainly getting better by the day, but the pace of support is slow considering the growth and opportunities that Indian startups can exploit. With a right combination of great mentoring, good business, marketing strategies, and with a great team, the execution can take startups to much higher levels. It’s time to facilitate by creating such an ecosystem which in turn can contribute to the growth of our GDP, and also creating millions of employment opportunities in the coming years.

Building startups, enterprises, with passion! Happy startuping!

Startup Xperts is a business accelerator supporting startups, small medium enterprises, boutique firms, by driving their go-to-market strategies, digital marketing, smart sales initiatives, to accelerate their revenue growth.

To know more about Startup Xperts, visit us at or write to us at

The views expressed in this article are that of the author’s and Startup Xperts is not responsible for this content. In case of any objection in content, IP violation, incorrect or inappropriate information, please inform us at We will do our best to act on it at the earliest.

Startup Accelerators – why and what is expected ?

India has become one of the world’s favourite ‘startup’ destinations. The numbers say it all!

  • Over 4200 new age companies have come up during the last year. As per NASSCOM’s statistics we have over 3100 startups in IT (as of last year) and expected to have 11,500 startups by 2020.
  • Being the youngest startup nation, and 2 out of every 3 founders are under 35 years.
  • Almost $5 billion worth funding has been pumped into Indian startups in 2015.

Well the stats can go on, but the key point to consider here is that the environment has never been better for a great startup ecosystem to get built. At a time, while the rapid rise is on for the startup industry, how long can it LAST and how many of those can actually SCALE?

Well the stats can go on, but the key point to consider here is that the environment has never been better for a great startup ecosystem to get built. At a time, while the rapid rise is on for the startup industry, how long can it LAST and how many of those can actually SCALE?

Many startups face challenges in even having an office space for their work. With limited funds, lot many of them cannot afford a proper working space and address. Here comes incubators who do provide co-working space for startups and this trend is picking up across various cities over the past few years.

To facilitate startup ecosystem, there are enablers like TiE, NASSCOM, CII, BYST, etc. who provide a platform for startups and bring together mentors, investors, incubators, and other stakeholders. This is also witnessing increasing tractions, as we can see from the number of such events being conducted across cities.

To ensure that we have a solid startup ecosystem, and one that sustains over long term, is to have good accelerators. So who are, and why, ‘startup accelerators’?

Startup accelerators support early stage high growth companies through incubation, mentoring, investments, and guide them through their journey.

Today, many companies call themselves accelerators but not really sure as to what they offer other than incubation space, and possible networking with investors. I would say, ‘accelerators’ are meant to ‘accelerate the startups’ businesses. Startup accelerators need to ensure that startups tread in the right path, direction, and do course correction when and where required. These accelerators need to have a business model that incentivizes them when these startups perform. This gives both the startups and startup accelerators a win-win proposition.

You might have heard about the famous Y-Combinator in the US. Based in Boston, it was the first seed accelerator program that I know of. They add a lot of value for those startups who have the opportunity to work with them. Accelerators typically have a cycle time of 3-6 months of working with startups.

Startups, in order to increase their success quotient, need more nurturing than before due to dynamic market conditions, shift in technology, disruptive innovation, and many other factors that startups need to be aware of during their journey. The growth can be exponential and at the same time can go down deeply, if they tread on a wrong path.

Startup accelerators need to support today’s young entrepreneurs through incubation, mentoring, connecting with potential investors, perfecting their pitch to investors, and guiding them through their journey. By doing this they certainly can create a positive impact in our society and also help build a better startup ecosystem which is essential for our rising economy.

Startup Xperts is a business accelerator supporting startups, small medium enterprises, boutique firms, by driving their go-to-market strategies, digital marketing, smart sales initiatives, to accelerate their revenue growth.

To know more about Startup Xperts, visit us at or write to us at info@startupxperts.comThe views expressed in this article are that of the author’s and Startup Xperts is not responsible for this content. In case of any objection in content, IP violation, incorrect or inappropriate information, please inform us at We will do our best to act on it at the earliest.

Plenary Speaker at International Mentoring Summit – Rashtrapathi Bhavan, New Delhi


With an aim to support employability initiatives in the country and encourage youth to take up entrepreneurship, BYST (Bharatiya Yuva Shakti Trust), a not for profit organization dedicated to empower underprivileged youth, organized India‘s first International Mentoring Summit from the 4-6 April 2017. The event celebrated mentorship and discussed its impact on the various sectors will also mark BYST‘s glorious 25 years of foundation in the country. Based on the theme ‘Mentoring Grassroots Entrepreneurs in Smart Grams for Inclusive Growth’, the summit held in association with the Rashtrapati Bhavan. With the inaugural on the 5th of April 2017 at the Rashtrapati Bhavan, International Mentoring Summit comprised a day-long conference addressed and attended by reputed dignitaries and ministers, including Shri Venkaiah Naidu, Minister of Urban Development, Shri Suresh Prabhu, Minister for Railways, to name a few. The event also brought together other industry veterans, expert mentors from around 14 countries and BYST‘s entrepreneurs and mentors from different fields, to share their views towards one common goal of achieving sustainable employability. The Honorable President of India, Shri Pranab Mukherjee was chief guest at the occasion.

Speaking on the occasion Ms. Lakshmi V Venkatesan Founding and Managing Trustee Bharatiya Yuva Shakti Trust said, ‘As an organization, BYST has always aimed to intensify its operations across the country and empower the underprivileged youth through mentorship and guidance. It gives me immense pleasure that we have covered a long journey of 25 years where we have touched the lives of so many, and created fine examples of successful enterprises.’

Shyam Sekar S, Founder and Chief Mentor of Startup Xperts delivered a speech on the opening plenary and shared his experiences of being part of BYST and building our entrepreneurship ecosystem. During his speech, Shyam quoted that being a mentor just not helps only the mentee to build and grow their businesses, but the mentor also learns during this process, besides feeling the joy of giving itself. Shyam holds the honorary position as the Chairman of the Mentor Advisory Panel for the BYST’s Chennai cluster.

His mentee Ms Shanmugadevi, Founder of Swasti Support Services was awarded the Best Woman Entrepreneur by the Hon. President of India. She thanked and appreciated her mentor Mr Shyam Sekar who not only helped her build her brand and scale up her business, but also for providing emotional support during the tough times that they faced during Chennai floods. She also thanked BYST for the business loan and free mentoring support with which she was immensely benefited.

There were many sessions that included Gurukul Diaries, Promoting Smart Grampreneurs, how entrepreneurship can empower urban development, free-will discussion by name Guftgu, and the event concluded with a special plenary session with Hon. President of India.

Mentor and Judge @ IIT-Madras Startup Expo and Startup Bootcamp

IIT Madras’ Entrepreneurship Cell organized an E-Summit from April 1 to April 3. The highlight of this summit being the Startup Expo, for which they have invited startups with unique products to display them and pitch to the judges.

E-Cell of IIT-Madras invited Mr Shyam Sekar S, Founder and Chief Mentor @ Startup Xperts Business Consulting, to be the part of the mentoring team as well as on the judge panel. Shyam quoted, “There were 12 ideas that was pitched to us, and some of them very innovative. These sort of initiatives are needed to boost the entrepreneurship mindset amongst the student community. Very glad that IIT-Madras’ E-Cell have taken up this initiative; more so, it nice to see that this being their first Startup Expo this was well organized. Look forward to being a part of this in future as well”.

Mr Shyam also addressed the entrepreneurs and students on the third day, and delivered a session by sharing critical pointers that can help them build a successful startup.