Top 10 Tips How to do Business in Difficult Times? – Startup Xperts

There is enough negative news in the media and that’s what sells for them in improving their TRPs!

Be cautious, be responsible, and take precautions; but don’t get into negativity; shut your negativity door as otherwise that will shut you!

As business owners, entrepreneurs, you will need to rise above the situation as your employees and the world around are looking forward to it!

In these tough times businesses predominantly look at these 2 choices

  • Close down operations and save cost or
  • Press pause button and wait for things to change on its own!

Either of these 2 choices can kill your business.

  • But then there is a 3rd choice, that can take your business to higher levels even during this lockdown period!

Here are 10 Powerful tips, to know what businesses can do in these tough times!

Do you recall – how businesses emerged stronger after every big problem that the world had seen? Remember the dot com bubble in early 2000, the financial crisis during 2008-09 period, and impact of it in India around 2012-13. See this as yet another business opportunity that presents itself before you – with another chance!

  1. Discuss with your Business Consultants / Business mentors and Build solid business strategies and execution plans; revisit to see how it can be made smarter and better, if you already have one done recently
  2. Do some research – understand current market, customer, competition and trends in more detail which you possibly might have done long ago
  3. Innovation. Usually innovation gets bracketed to Intellectual Property or Patents. But then, anything new, that adds value to your customers and to your business, doing things differently that makes better sense for business growth is innovation too!

This is the time to do……

Innovation in sales and marketing strategy, product development, branding and packaging, building customer experiences, etc.

  1. This is the time to analyse and understand what went well and what did not work for your business. Time to do TDR (Tear-Down-Reengineer)
  2. You can look at Training the customer teams wherever required for them to improve performance
  3. Monitoring the execution to identify gaps and areas of improvement
  4. Finding right Leadership material. Tough times will help identify the grains from the chaff as to who stands tall and go that extra mile for the benefit of organization and customers
  5. On operations front, spends that was unnecessary will now pop up in front of you; essential spends and investments will be looked from a different perspective; time to bring in lean-startup principles if not already practiced before
  6. Most importantly, drive your strategic marketing initiatives. Prepare your collaterals, marketing materials; practice your pitch and fine tune your sales.

Time to create that brand recall!

Digital marketing for startups and small business, is a great way to showcase products and services. You now have Google (SEO, SEM); social media (SMM) platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc. which wasn’t the case in your previous recessions and tough times in economy! So, time to Take your brand digitally to your customers — and your business deserves that!

  1. Accelerated technology adoption is the key to survive.
  2. Use SMAC – Social Mobile Analytics and Cloud to enable your business better and smarter

In short, this is the time to Invest in your business!

As we all know — Tough times don’t last forever, but tough people do!

Business owners, entrepreneurs – Make the best use of these tough times.

Reach us in case you need any help or support in any of these!

Guest Speaker at Loyola College

Loyola college organized their flagship event, Epsilon-20, which is an intercollegiate E-summit conducted by EDC (Entrepreneurship Development Cell) on 26th February 2020 at their college campus. They had invited around 400 participants from around the country.

Shyam Sekar S, Founder – Startup Xperts was invited to deliver a session on ‘Startup to Scaleup’ to the audience. The talk was very well received as the audience found it very interesting and exciting.

Events like TEX-Talks, Workshops and Mind blowing events takes the learning to a whole new level. Epsilon-20 was also the venue for various seminars and workshops focused on budding entrepreneurs.

2-day Franchising Workshop at Alagappa University!

Franchising Workshop was organized by Alagappa University – Alagappa Institute of Management, Karaikudi on 23rd and 24th of Jan 2020.  This 2 day event was organized by the Management Institute and had the presence of about 16 colleges from various parts of Tamil Nadu.

Franchise approach, and acquisition strategy and messaging through digital channels was covered by Shyam Sekar S, Founder and CEO – Startup Xperts in 2 different sessions in this 2-day workshop.  It also had Dr Chackochen Mathai, who also addressed the students highlighting the softer aspects of franchising as well.

It was a unique program that was organized by the University inviting Franchise Experts to give an overview and industry insights on the Franchise Business Opportunity.

Startup Weekend Hackathon – Jury at CEG, Anna University!

Startup Weekend Chennai CEG organized a Hackathon, at the College of Engineering Guindy from February 21-23, 2020. Shyam Sekar S, Founder and CEO – Startup Xperts was part of the Jury panel for this Final Pitch session.

Startup Weekend is a 54-hour entrepreneurial hackathon where ideas are transformed into startups over a weekend. Startup Weekend is powered by Google for Startups initiative and is a well-recognized community of 193,000 members spread over 140 countries. This was limited to 120 attendees categorized into – Developers, UI/UX Designers, Hustlers and Ideators.

The teams at Startup Weekend built their prototype and the business model for their dream startup idea. The startup ideas are generic, ranging from artificial intelligence to FMCG-based startups. Three ideas / prototype startups were selected for award on the final day, by the Jury members.

Startup Finals Pitch Event at IIT-Madras!

IIT-Madras had shortlisted Startup Finals Pitch event on 19-Jan 2020 at IIT-Madras. 

Around 12 teams were shortlisted for the final pitch and it had innovative and interesting initiatives across industries – agri to e-vehicles. 

Shyam had been part of such events from IIT-Madras for almost 4-5 years now.  He quoted that some of the initiatives were very interesting and potential to scale higher and that most times they were wanting a proper mentoring support to guide them thru’ the business side of their initiative. 

The Jury members included Shyam Sekar, Founder CEO – Startup Xperts, Chandran Krishnan – CEO Chennai Angels, Gopala Krishnan from Deshpande Startups, and Jeetendra Kang – Director of Flex.  The finalists were given 5 mins to pitch and Q&A session was planned for an additional 5-mins from the Jury end.